07943 892877
Notice is hereby given under Section 87 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Kirdford Parish Council.
No call for an election having been received, the vacancy can be filled by co-option.
Applications from those interested in being a parish councillor should be sent to the Clerk at clerk@kirdford-pc.gov.uk by Friday 6th September 2024 outlining why they would like to become a Councillor - any background information relevant to their co-option and confirmation of their eligibility to become a Councillor
Applicants need to ensure that they qualify under one of the following criteria before applying:
1. is registered as a local government elector for the parish;
2. has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land or premises in the parish;
3. his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish;
4. had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km thereof.
and must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.
Notice of Councillor vacancy to be filled by co-option
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a vacancy has
occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Kirdford due to there being insufficient candidates
standing for election on 4 May 2023, so it may be filled by co-option.
The term of office will run until May 2027.
To qualify, the applicant must be a British subject, aged over 18 years and an elector, must reside in or within 3 miles of Kirdford parish boundary or occupy, as owner or tenant, any land or premises therein, or have their principal or only place of work there, and must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.
If you are interested in serving as a Parish Councillor please contact the Chair, Amanda Gillett agillett@kirdford-pc.gov.uk or Clerk, Lynne Brooks clerk@kirdford-pc.gov.uk