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Residents in Chichester District asked to comment on the Local List for planning applications

Residents in the Chichester District are being asked for their views on the information that applicants must provide in support of their planning applications.
The information required is set out in Chichester District Council’s Local List. It applies to planning applications inside the district, but not those inside the South Downs National Park (SDNP), which has its own list overseen by the SDNP Authority.
The Local List is used to determine the validity of each planning application received by the district council.
It includes mandatory national requirements and any additional information regarded as reasonably necessary to enable the council to determine an application.
Each local authority has to publish its Local List and review it every two years to take account of any changes in national and local planning policies.
Chichester District Council’s Planning Committee has approved the revised Local List to go out for consultation. Once the public have had their say, the document will be updated and then go back to Planning Committee for consideration.
Members of the public can view the document at: www.chichester.gov.uk/planningadvice#localist and submit their comments by emailing: dcplanning@chichester.gov.uk.Emails must be marked for the attention of Sam Carter, Administration and Business Support Manager.
The consultation closes on 12 October 2023.