07943 892877
St. John the Baptist, Kirdford & Holy Trinity, Plaistow :- | ||
Priest in Charge: | ||
Licensed Reader: | Mrs. Janice Taylor, The Warren, Durfold Wood | 01483 200464 |
Church Warden: | Mrs. Kate Fenney, 24 Townfield, Kirdford | 01403 820438 |
Church Warden: | Mr. Jeremy Mudford, Todhurst, Plaistow | 01403 871241 |
Vice-Chair PCC: | Mrs. Margaret Hibbard, Bramble, Plaistow | 01403 871222 |
Treasurer: | Mrs. Sue Bowman, Kolme, Chalk Road, Ifold | 01403 752258 |
Secretary: | Mrs. Carrie Osborne, Blakthorn House, The Drive, Ifold | 01403 753449
e-mail: carolyn.osborne1@btinternet.com |
Safeguarding Officer: | Mrs. Sheila Waite, Sycamore Cottage, Plaistow | 01403 871326 |
Electoral Roll: | Mrs. Carrie Osborne, Blackthorn House, The Drive, Ifold | 01403 753449 |
Organist: | Mr. Peter Thompson, Downscombe, Kirdford | 01403 820480 |
Organist: | Mrs. Margaret Hibbard, Bramble, Plaistow | 01403 871222 |
Festival Choir Musical Director: | Mr Andrew Robertson | |
Tower Bells Captain: | Mrs. Sarah Robinson, 15 South Grove, Petworth | 01798 342124 |
Gift Aid Secretary: | Mrs. Sue Bowman, Kolme, Chalk Road, Ifold | 01403 752258 |
"Friends" of Kirdford & Plaistow Churches: | Mrs. Jane Tomkins, Forge Cottage, Kirdford | 01403 820283 |
Webmaster: | Mr. Ian Mason, 3 Gownfold Cottages, Kirdford | 01403 820410 |
The Parish News: | Editor:
Mrs. Kate Fenney, 24 Townfield, Kirdford | 01403 820438
e-mail: kate_fenney@tiscali.co.uk |
Advertising: | Rev Allan Taylor, The Warren, Durfold Wood | 01483 200464 |
Website: www.stjohnkirdfordwithholytrinityplaistow.org.uk Tustin Memorial Chapel Plaistow Road, Kirdford RH14 0NG Miriam Lindsay: 01428 683582 or Anne Wood: 01403 820307 Website |